"$(NPP_DIRECTORY)\notepad++.exe" -multiInst "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)" The current column the cursor resides in (0 based index, the first position on the line is 0). The current line number that is selected in the document (0 based index, the first line is 0).

The currently selected text in the document. The directory that contains the notepad++.exe executable that is currently running. The filename of the document, without the directory. The directory the current document resides in. The fully qualified path to the current document. The command line arguments can also be based on the status of the current document, and are always enclosed in $(.), where … can be: The drop down list provides recently run programs. You can use the browse button to search for your program.

A dialog will pop up asking for the path to the program and possible any command line parameters. You can pass the program command line parameters based on the current status of your document. Commands allow you to execute applications from Notepad++, for example to open your current file in a browser or compile it with some external compiler.