I am out of ideas on how to fix this, as I've already tried researching the problem and done the few things that were suggested, such as completely closing the Music app (which didn't work).

All the other times, even though Spotify is paused in the middle of a song from the last time I was driving, the Music app will select a random song from my library and start playing that instead. The only time this doesn't happen is when I turn my car off and turn it back on less than an hour later (like when going into a store or something).

Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Chromecast, Spotify and Tidal, or seamlessly connect the LSX II to your. Only problem is, it plays from the Music app instead of Spotify, and being someone who uses Spotify pretty much constantly, this is a huge pain. Please support this idea if you want Spotify to be on the Mac App Store: Even Windows has it Press J to jump to the feed. Roon I am running the Roon Core on my mid 2015 MacBook with Mojave 10. Can i view history on free version of spotify.

Hi, I recently installed a new Kenwood bluetooth stereo into my car, and I love the fact that when I get in the car it automatically picks up from where I left off in my songs. Similar content Spotify App macOS Mojave macOS Mojave-Style HUD Panels Spotify MacOS Redesign Spotify MacOS Redesign MacOS Spotify Redesign Spotify macOS.