Evernote android support ocr
Evernote android support ocr

evernote android support ocr

People who say Apple Notes is a good Evernote replacement must be talking about 500 notes, not 5000. Even after letting it sync overnight for a couple of nights. First it slowed down then it froze, over and over. I had high hopes and imported about 3000 notes, and Apple Notes just couldn't handle it. They can be embedded in notes but can't be notes on their own. I first moved to Bear, which is great for notetaking (if you like Markup) but not great for importing other file types. I too was an Evernote pro user for 10+ years. Send me your suggestions! posted by po822000 to Technology (14 answers total) 11 users marked this as a favorite * Ideally NOT be owned Google, Microsoft, et al - I don't want my notes' data harvested.

evernote android support ocr

* Be able to import several thousand notes from Evernote. * Some sort of contextual organization, like Evernote's folder structure (I like to make folders for each client/project, then drop notes from meetings, etc., into those folders). * Web Clipping, ideally with Opera and Safari suppport. For my purposes, talking iOS/iPadOS/Mac/Windows (though if it supports Windows via web, that's fine, too - probably switching that machine to a Mac at some point.) Bonus points if the service has OCR support. * Paradoxically, I do most of my notes handwritten, so the new service would need to support uploads of scans (PDF). I'm totally down for paying for an alternative, but it needs to meet the following criteria: I've been a paying Evernote user for more than a decade, and I'm finally fed up with the constant backward steps in user experience that I'm looking for an alternative.

Evernote android support ocr